Package-level declarations


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data class Address(val country: String? = null, val countryId: CountryId? = null, val state: String? = null, val stateCode: String? = null, val city: String? = null, val cityDistrict: String? = null, val cityBlock: String? = null, val houseNumber: String? = null, val streetName: String? = null, val buildingName: String? = null, val floor: String? = null, val door: String? = null, val postalCode: String? = null, val extendedPostalCode: String? = null, val formattedAddress: String? = null) : Parcelable

Class to hold information about an address.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
data class ChargingStationId(val id: String) : Parcelable

ID used for uniquely identifying an EV charging station. It is not localized and should not be used for display in a production UI.

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data class Coordinate(val latitude: Angle, val longitude: Angle, val altitude: Distance = Distance.meters(0)) : Parcelable

A class to hold a coordinate to express a location in latitude, longitude and altitude.

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class Place(val coordinate: Coordinate, val name: String? = null, val address: Address? = null) : Parcelable

A class to represent a place on the map.

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class TripId(val id: String) : Parcelable

An ID to uniquely identify a trip. Typically an API would use a TripId as a way to expose a trip. Therefore, there should be a mechanism that can encode/decode a trip to/from a TripId.

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class TripPlan(val departure: Coordinate?, val destination: Coordinate) : Parcelable

A class representing a request to plan a trip from departure to destination. If departure is null, the last known position is used as departure when planning a trip.

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class TripPlanError(val errorType: TripPlanErrorType, val message: String?) : Parcelable

A class to hold information related to a trip planning error. The errorType will give a general indication of the reason the trip planning failed. If available, message will contain a detailed error messages, describing the trip planning failure; otherwise will be null.

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The reason a trip planning failed.