Package-level declarations

Contains tools to ease the usage and integration of Android's Lifecycle aware components.


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abstract class LifecycleAwareListeners<T>

LifecycleAwareListeners is a container for listeners with Android Lifecycle awareness.

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Provides access to a list of listeners with active Android Lifecycle owners from LifecycleAwareListeners.


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A convenience function that calls onDestroy when the Lifecycle is destroyed.

A convenience function that calls onDestroy when the LifecycleOwner is destroyed.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
inline fun <R> useScopedLifecycleOwner(block: (LifecycleOwner) -> R): R

Creates a LifecycleOwner and provides this to block. The LifecycleOwner is destroyed after block returns. Returns the value returned by block.