
The entry point for a single Frontend to communicate with the rest of the system.

A FrontendContext can only be used by a single Frontend instance.


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The Android context of the single, global Application object within a process. This context is tied to the lifetime of the process, not an Activity or another component.

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abstract override val iviInstanceId: IviInstanceId

The ID of the IVI instance in which the Frontend is presented.

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Provides access to services.

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Allows retrieving the values of static configurations, given a configuration key.


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abstract fun isPanelTypeAvailableToFrontend(panelType: KClass<out AnyPanel>): Boolean

Returns whether Panels of type panelType can be added to the Frontend. For a Panel type to be available, it must be specified in a Frontend's FrontendMetadata.availablePanelTypes.

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abstract fun isPanelTypeSupportedBySystemUi(panelType: KClass<out AnyPanel>): Boolean

Returns whether Panels of type panelType can be presented to the user by the system UI that owns the Frontend.