
Static configuration provider for frontends and services.

Static configuration includes fixed values that can be directly retrieved from a static source and do not change at runtime. This includes things like URLs, authentication keys and certificates.

This interface is for clients of static configuration providers. Static configuration providers implement ComposableStaticConfigurationProvider.


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abstract operator override fun get(key: BooleanListStaticConfigurationKey): List<Boolean>
abstract operator override fun get(key: BooleanStaticConfigurationKey): Boolean
abstract operator override fun get(key: DoubleListStaticConfigurationKey): List<Double>
abstract operator override fun get(key: DoubleStaticConfigurationKey): Double
abstract operator override fun get(key: FloatListStaticConfigurationKey): List<Float>
abstract operator override fun get(key: FloatStaticConfigurationKey): Float
abstract operator override fun get(key: IntListStaticConfigurationKey): List<Int>
abstract operator override fun get(key: IntStaticConfigurationKey): Int
abstract operator override fun get(key: LongListStaticConfigurationKey): List<Long>
abstract operator override fun get(key: LongStaticConfigurationKey): Long
abstract operator override fun get(key: StringListStaticConfigurationKey): List<String>
abstract operator override fun get(key: StringStaticConfigurationKey): String

Gets a static configuration value for key.

Inherited functions

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open operator fun get(key: OptBooleanStaticConfigurationKey): Boolean?
open operator fun get(key: OptDoubleStaticConfigurationKey): Double?
open operator fun get(key: OptFloatStaticConfigurationKey): Float?
open operator fun get(key: OptIntListStaticConfigurationKey): List<Int>?
open operator fun get(key: OptIntStaticConfigurationKey): Int?
open operator fun get(key: OptLongListStaticConfigurationKey): List<Long>?
open operator fun get(key: OptLongStaticConfigurationKey): Long?
open operator fun get(key: OptStringStaticConfigurationKey): String?

Gets a static configuration value for key, or null if no value is available for key.

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A dispatch method for subtypes of StaticConfigurationKey since overloaded get methods cannot be called with argument of StaticConfigurationKey type.