
A static configuration provider that can be composed of other providers.

Static configuration includes fixed values that can be directly retrieved from a static source and do not change at runtime. This includes things like URLs, authentication keys and certificates.

A composable provider may return null for unknown configuration keys.

Clients of a configuration provider use StaticConfigurationProvider.



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open operator fun get(key: BooleanStaticConfigurationKey): Boolean?
open operator fun get(key: DoubleListStaticConfigurationKey): List<Double>?
open operator fun get(key: DoubleStaticConfigurationKey): Double?
open operator fun get(key: FloatListStaticConfigurationKey): List<Float>?
open operator fun get(key: FloatStaticConfigurationKey): Float?
open operator fun get(key: IntListStaticConfigurationKey): List<Int>?
open operator fun get(key: IntStaticConfigurationKey): Int?
open operator fun get(key: LongListStaticConfigurationKey): List<Long>?
open operator fun get(key: LongStaticConfigurationKey): Long?
open operator fun get(key: OptBooleanStaticConfigurationKey): Boolean?
open operator fun get(key: OptDoubleStaticConfigurationKey): Double?
open operator fun get(key: OptFloatStaticConfigurationKey): Float?
open operator fun get(key: OptIntListStaticConfigurationKey): List<Int>?
open operator fun get(key: OptIntStaticConfigurationKey): Int?
open operator fun get(key: OptLongListStaticConfigurationKey): List<Long>?
open operator fun get(key: OptLongStaticConfigurationKey): Long?
open operator fun get(key: OptStringStaticConfigurationKey): String?
open operator fun get(key: StringListStaticConfigurationKey): List<String>?
open operator fun get(key: StringStaticConfigurationKey): String?

Gets a static configuration value for key, or null if no value is available for key.

Inherited functions

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A dispatch method for subtypes of StaticConfigurationKey since overloaded get methods cannot be called with argument of StaticConfigurationKey type.