
A class that is used to send Alexa Auto Services Bridge (AASB) messages to the Alexa Auto Client Service (AACS). A service implementing the AlexaHandlerService should use this class to send requests/replies to the AACS.

More information about the AACS is available on the Alexa Auto Client Service (AACS) documentation page.

The AASB message specification is available on the Alexa Auto AASB specification documentation page.


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constructor(iviServiceHostContext: IviServiceHostContext)

Constructor, to use when creating an AacsSenderWrapper from an IVI service.


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fun push(streamId: String, pushCallback: AACSSender.PushToStreamIdCallback)
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fun sendIntent(intent: Intent)

Sends an Intent to the Alexa Auto Client Service (AACS).

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
inline fun <T> sendMessage(topic: String, action: String, payload: T): String?
@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
fun sendMessage(topic: String, action: String, payload: String? = null): String?

Sends an AASB Message to the Alexa Auto Client Service (AACS) with the ID returned.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
inline fun <T> sendReplyMessage(replyToId: String, topic: String, action: String, payload: T)
@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
fun sendReplyMessage(replyToId: String, topic: String, action: String, payload: String? = null)

Sends an AASB Reply Message to the Alexa Auto Client Service (AACS).