
A zone property is used for VehicleProperty instances which are bound to vehicle area zones. The zone property can be in one of 4 states:

  • Unsupported: the property is not supported by the vehicle platform.

  • Unsupported for specific vehicle area: the property is supported for a specific vehicle area, but unsupported for a different vehicle area.

  • Supported but unavailable for a specific vehicle area: the property is temporarily unavailable or has invalid value. Indicated by the value field of the property being set to null.

  • Supported and available for a specific vehicle area: the property is available and has a valid value.


val unsupported = property == null

val unsupportedForRow3Right =
property.zoneProperties[ThirdRowRightSeat()] == null

val supportedButUnavailableForRow3Right =
property.zoneProperties[ThirdRowRightSeat()].value == null

val supportedAndAvailableForRow3Right =
property.zoneProperties[ThirdRowRightSeat()].value != null



The area type as provided by VehicleArea.


The type of the property's value.


A map containing the properties per VehicleZone.


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constructor(zoneProperties: Map<VehicleZone<A>, T>)


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Returns the Set of the first VehicleZones that contain any of the given areas.

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Returns the first supported VehicleZone that contains the given set of VehicleAreas. It can contain other areas as well, but it must contain the areas from the given set.

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Returns VehicleProperty for a given VehicleArea if there is one.

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Returns the first supported VehicleZone that contains the given VehicleArea.

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Returns the Set of VehicleZones that contain exactly one of the given areas.

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Returns the supported VehicleZone that contains only the given set of VehicleAreas.

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Checks whether this VehicleProperty is currently available for a given VehicleArea.

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Checks whether this VehicleProperty is supported by the vehicle for a given VehicleArea.

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)