
Service responsible for providing access to e-Mobility Service Providers (eMSPs) in the system. One or more eMSPs may be available and can be used to charge the vehicle.


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object Companion
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data class CurrentChargingProgressInfo(val currentBatteryChargeLevel: Energy, val maximumBatteryChargeLevel: Energy, val remainingRange: Distance) : Parcelable

A data class that represents information on current battery charge level and remaining range.

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data class CurrentChargingStopInfo(val chargingStation: ChargingStation, val remainingChargingTime: Duration, val expectedBatteryChargePercentage: Float) : Parcelable

A data class represents the information on the current charging stop.

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sealed class LogInResult : Parcelable

Contains the result of a call to logIn.

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sealed class LogOutResult : Parcelable

Contains the result of a call to logOut.

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The result of a prepareForCharging call.


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Provides charging progress information including the current battery charge level and the current vehicle range. null if the vehicle is not currently charging.

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If the vehicle is navigating along a route and there is a charging stop planned and the vehicle is approaching or at this charging stop, this will contain details about it.

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The authentication status of each eMSP known to the system.

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The properties of each eMSP known to the system.

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Indicates the charging state for UI flow shown to end-user.

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abstract val sessionInfo: SessionInfo?

Session information: active charging point, session id and receipt of the charging session.


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Discards preparation made for charging the vehicle using prepareForCharging. Additionally this function discards any request to start charging an electric vehicle from user that has not yet been processed by the eMSPs. This function has no effect once the user has selected the charger and plugged in the charging cable to the vehicle. Should be called when the user has interacted with UI to abandon the charging preparation process.

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Discards a request to start charge an electric vehicle using startCharging. In addition, this function discards the request to start charging an electric vehicle from user that has not yet been processed by the eMSPs. This function has no effect once the user has plugged in the charging cable to the vehicle. Should be called when the vehicle is waiting for charging cable to be plugged in and user has interacted with UI to abandon the start charging request process.

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abstract suspend fun logIn(serviceIdentifier: EmspIdentifier): EvChargingMediatorService.LogInResult

Request to start the authentication process for the specified eMSP. serviceIdentifiers are the keys returned by EvChargingMediatorService.emspInfos. The exact flow of events that form the authentication process is dependent upon the eMSP integration.

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abstract suspend fun logOut(serviceIdentifier: EmspIdentifier): EvChargingMediatorService.LogOutResult

Request to log out of the eMSP service. The actual handling of this request should be implemented in the eMSP service plugin. See also EvChargingService.

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This function should be called before the startCharging to set up a charging session.

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abstract suspend fun provideOpenIdLoginResult(result: OpenIdLoginResult)

Clients should call this API to inform the platform of the result of the login process initiated by logIn if the login process was Open ID.

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abstract suspend fun startCharging(chargingStation: ChargingStation, chargingPointId: ChargingPointId, serviceIdentifier: EmspIdentifier?)

Called when the user has interacted with the UI to initiate a charging session.

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abstract suspend fun stopCharging()

Called when the user has interacted with the UI to stop an active charging session.