
data class Call(val id: CallId, val state: CallState, val capabilities: EnumSet<CallCapability>, val creationTime: Instant, val activationTime: Instant?, val phoneNumber: String, val displayName: String, val disconnectedCause: DisconnectCause?, val phoneAccountId: String) : Parcelable

Represents a phone call.


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fun Call(id: CallId, state: CallState, capabilities: EnumSet<CallCapability>, creationTime: Instant, activationTime: Instant?, phoneNumber: String, displayName: String, disconnectedCause: DisconnectCause?, phoneAccountId: String)


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An Instant object representing the time the call was first made CallState.ACTIVE.

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Describes operations that can be performed on the call.

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An Instant object representing the time the call was created.

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Indicates the reason the call is in the CallState.DISCONNECTED state. It is null if the call is not in that state.

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The name to display for the caller. Will be empty if unavailable.

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val id: CallId

The identifier that uniquely identifies a call.

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The id of the phone account from which this call originates. It corresponds to the ID returned by the PhoneAccountHandle#getId() Android Telecom API.

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Phone number of the call in the format provided by Android.

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The state of the call.


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open override fun toString(): String

phoneNumber and displayName are masked when the Call is printed.

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fun withState(value: CallState): Call

Provides a new instance of the call with the new CallState defined in value.

fun withState(callState: CallState, disconnectCause: DisconnectCause?): Call

Provides a new instance of the call with the new CallState defined in callState including the DisconnectCause defined in disconnectCause.

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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Indicates if a Call has the capability to be put on hold, which happens when the Call.capabilities have the CallCapability.HOLD.

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Indicates if a Call can be hanged up, which happens when the Call is in the CallState.ACTIVE, CallState.DIALING, CallState.CONNECTING, CallState.ANSWERING or CallState.HOLDING state.

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Indicates if a Call can be muted, which happens when the Call is in the CallState.ACTIVE or CallState.HOLDING state.

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Indicates if a Call has the capability to be muted, which happens when the Call.capabilities have the CallCapability.MUTE.

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Indicates if a Call is in progress, which happens when the Call either isOngoing or isOnHold.

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Indicates if a Call is currently ongoing, which happens when the Call is in the CallState.ACTIVE, CallState.DIALING, CallState.CONNECTING or CallState.ANSWERING state.

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Indicates if a Call is currently on hold, which happens when the Call is in the CallState.HOLDING state.

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Indicates if a Call is currently ringing, which happens when the Call is in the CallState.RINGING state.