Package-level declarations


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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
abstract class PanelFragmentAdapter

Restores and updates panel attachments to panel fragment containers. Exposed as an API to PanelContainerControllerAdapter.

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Builds a panel fragment adapter. A panel fragment adapter attaches and detaches Panels to a panel fragment container.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
data class PanelFragmentAdapterState(val hasPanelAttached: Boolean)
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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
class PanelStackAttachment<P : GenericPanel<C>, C : CommonPanelContext>(val panelStack: PanelList<P>, val panelContextFactory: (P, CommonPanelContext) -> C)

Attaches a panelStack. For each panel a panel context of type C is created by panelContextFactory.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
class SinglePanelAttachment<P : GenericPanel<C>, C : CommonPanelContext>(val panel: P?, val panelContextFactory: (CommonPanelContext) -> C)

Attaches a single panel with a panel context of type C as created by panelContextFactory.


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Detaches the panel attaches of the panel fragment containers of all PanelFragmentAdapters.

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Restores panel attachments to restored panel fragment containers of all PanelFragmentAdapters

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Updates the panel attachments of the panel fragment containers of all PanelFragmentAdapters. Any panel that needs to be detached is detached before any new panel is attached.