Package-level declarations

This package contains the classes which can be used to reflect the state of a remote Bluetooth device and local Bluetooth adapter.

Remote Bluetooth device

The state of remote Bluetooth devices is reflected by the following classes:

Local Bluetooth adapter

The Bluetooth profile policies are reflected by the following classes:


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Represents a BluetoothConnectivityStatus which holds connection status information of a remote Bluetooth device.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
data class BluetoothDeviceAddress(val address: String) : Parcelable

Represents the address of the remote Bluetooth device.

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Represents a BluetoothDeviceInformation which holds information about a specific remote Bluetooth device.

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Represents a Bluetooth profile.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
data class BluetoothPairingDetails(val pairingVariant: BluetoothPairingDetails.PairingVariant, val passkey: String?) : Parcelable

Represents Bluetooth pairing information and holds the current Bluetooth device pairing details. It includes the pairing variant and the passkey.

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Represents a connection policy for a Bluetooth profile.

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Enum class representing the state of bluetooth.