Package-level declarations


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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
abstract class IviTestCase : TtTestCase

Base class for unit tests that depend on the TomTom Digital Cockpit platform.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
class MockkRetryTestRule(maxTries: Int = MAX_RETRIES_COUNT_DEFAULT) : TestRule

TestRule to work around mockk problem that causes intermittent failures of tests with mocked lambdas.


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Returns whether or not a tested service instance is marked as ready, allowing it to be available to clients.


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fun TestScope.advanceTimeBy(duration: Duration)

advanceTimeBy convenience syntax taking a kotlin.time.Duration instead of Long.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
fun <T, B, V> MockKAnswerScope<T, B>.iviServiceFunResult(value: V)

Short hand to answer an IVI service function with a successful result code and return value.

@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
fun <T, B, V> MockKAnswerScope<T, B>.iviServiceFunResult(resultType: IviServiceFunResult.ResultType, exception: Exception? = null)

Short hand to answer an IVI service function with a failure result code and optional exception.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
fun parametersProduct(vararg lists: List<*>): List<Array<*>>

Calculates a cartesian product of parameters for ParameterizedRobolectricTestRunner.