
A ModalPanel is used to display information that:

  • Needs attention from users in order to give instructions or critical information.

  • Requires information in order to continue with a service or workflow.

ModalPanels interrupt a user's workflow by design. When active, a user is blocked from the TaskPanel or HomePanel content and cannot return to their previous workflow until the modal task is completed or the modal is dismissed. ModalPanels are used for short and non-frequent tasks, such as logging into an account, Bluetooth device pairing, editing something or management tasks. If a user needs to repeatably perform a task, consider making the task do-able from the main Panel.



An entry point for this Panel to communicate with the rest of the system.


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fun ModalPanel(frontendContext: FrontendContext)


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Consumers of device's back button press.

Inherited properties

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open val descriptor: LiveData<PanelDescriptor>

Represents the panel. The descriptor can for example be used by other panels to show breadcrumbs when this panel is part of a stack of panels.

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val frontendContext: FrontendContext
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val id: Long

Unique identifier of a GenericPanel. Each ID is an increment of the previously created panel's ID, allowing this value to be used for sorting purposes.

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val isBeingDismissed: LiveData<Boolean>

true when the panel is being dismissed from the system UI, either through user interaction or other events. At this point the panel may still be visible due to the panel's exit animation.

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override val panelContext: LiveData<NavigablePanelContext?>

The PanelContext given when the panel is attached to the system UI.

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val tag: String

The tag to recognise this panel with. Useful in combination with fragment tags to detect which fragment belongs to which panel.

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var transitionDestination: PanelTransitionDestination?

A destination that the information contained by this panel transitions to when this panel closes. By default it is null, indicating the information does not transition anywhere.

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var transitionSource: PanelTransitionSource?

The source of the information contained by this panel when the information transitions from another panel to this one. By default it is null, indicating the information does not transition from any other particular panel.


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open override fun onBackPressed(): Boolean

Called as a result from pressing a hardware back button. This should only be called as a result of user interaction with a back button, and not to trigger behaviour that is assumed to result from a back press. For example, in order to go back in a task panel back stack, do not call this but close the panel directly using TaskPanel.dismiss instead.

Inherited functions

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fun createInitialFragment(): IviFragment<*, *>

The fragment used when initially showing the panel. The fragment may be recreated by the system UI upon configuration changes.

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fun dismiss()

Dismisses the panel, triggering the end of its life. It will be removed from the frontend, causing onRemovedFromFrontend to be called and preventing it from being shown again. May not be called if the panel has not been added to a frontend.

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operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun getLifecycle(): Lifecycle
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open override fun getPanelContext(iviFragmentId: IviFragmentId): NavigablePanelContext

The PanelContext of an IviFragment identified by iviFragmentId.

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override fun hashCode(): Int
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fun isAttached(): Boolean

Returns true if the panel is currently attached.

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open fun onAddedToFrontend()

Called when this panel is added to Frontend.panels, allowing it to be shown in the system UI.

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fun onAttached(panelAttachment: PanelAttachment<NavigablePanelContext>)

Called when the panel is attached to the system UI.

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fun onDetached(panelAttachment: PanelAttachment<NavigablePanelContext>)

Called when the panel has been detached from the system UI.

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fun onDismissalCompleted()

Called when the panel has been dismissed from the system UI, either through user interaction or other events. This triggers the end of the life of a panel; it will be removed from the frontend, causing onRemovedFromFrontend to be called and preventing it from being shown again in the system UI.

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fun onDismissalStarted()

Called when the panel is being dismissed from the system UI, either through user interaction or other events. At this point the panel may still be visible due to the panel's exit animation.

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open fun onRemovedFromFrontend()

Called when this panel is removed from Frontend.panels, preventing it from being shown in the system UI.

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open override fun toString(): String