
@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
data class BluetoothDeviceInformation(    val name: String?,     val majorDeviceClass: BluetoothDeviceInformation.BluetoothDeviceMajorClass,     val majorServiceClasses: Set<BluetoothDeviceInformation.BluetoothDeviceMajorServiceClass>,     val status: BluetoothConnectivityStatus) : Parcelable

Represents a BluetoothDeviceInformation which holds information about a specific remote Bluetooth device.



The name of the remote Bluetooth device, null indicates that the name is unknown.


Describes general characteristics and capabilities of the remote Bluetooth device. For example, it will specify the device type such as a phone, computer, or headset.


Describes general services of the remote Bluetooth device.


The connectivity status of the remote Bluetooth device.


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fun BluetoothDeviceInformation(    name: String?,     majorDeviceClass: BluetoothDeviceInformation.BluetoothDeviceMajorClass,     majorServiceClasses: Set<BluetoothDeviceInformation.BluetoothDeviceMajorServiceClass>,     status: BluetoothConnectivityStatus)


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Represents the major class of a Bluetooth device. The major class describes general characteristics and capabilities of a device.

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Represents the major service class of a Bluetooth device. The major service class describes the general services which are supported by a device.


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val name: String?
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val status: BluetoothConnectivityStatus


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open override fun toString(): String

name is masked when the BluetoothDeviceInformation is printed.

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)