
interface PanelTypeSet : Set<KClass<out AnyPanel>>

A set containing types of Panels. This is a helper class used to communicate to Frontends and system UIs which Panel types are available or supported.

Inherited properties

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abstract override val size: Int


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open fun isPanelTypeIncluded(panelType: KClass<out AnyPanel>): Boolean

Returns whether panelType in included in this set, either by an exact match or because one of the panelType's super classes is included in the set. E.g., if TaskPanel is present in the set, this method will also return true for a CustomTaskPanel that extends TaskPanel.

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abstract operator fun minus(element: KClass<out AnyPanel>): PanelTypeSet

Returns a PanelTypeSet containing all elements of the original set except the given element.

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abstract operator fun plus(element: KClass<out AnyPanel>): PanelTypeSet

Returns a PanelTypeSet containing all elements of the original PanelTypeSet with the given element added if it isn't already in this set.

Inherited functions

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abstract operator override fun contains(element: KClass<out AnyPanel>): Boolean
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abstract override fun containsAll(elements: Collection<KClass<out AnyPanel>>): Boolean
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open fun forEach(p0: Consumer<in KClass<out AnyPanel>>)
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abstract override fun isEmpty(): Boolean
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abstract operator override fun iterator(): Iterator<KClass<out AnyPanel>>
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open fun parallelStream(): Stream<KClass<out AnyPanel>>
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open override fun spliterator(): Spliterator<KClass<out AnyPanel>>
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open fun stream(): Stream<KClass<out AnyPanel>>