
data class IviServiceHostStatus(    val iviInstanceId: IviInstanceId?,     val started: Boolean,     val serviceStatus: Map<IviServiceId, IviServiceStatus>,     val pid: Int?)


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fun IviServiceHostStatus(    iviInstanceId: IviInstanceId?,     started: Boolean,     serviceStatus: Map<IviServiceId, IviServiceStatus>,     pid: Int?)


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val isGlobalServiceHostManager: Boolean

True if the IVI service host is a global IVI service host.

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val iviInstanceId: IviInstanceId?

The IVI instance ID of the service host. null if the IVI service host is a global IVI service host.

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val pid: Int?

Process ID of the service host. Only has a value when the service host is running as separate process.

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val serviceStatus: Map<IviServiceId, IviServiceStatus>

A map of service interface statuses associated with the service ID of the interface.

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val started: Boolean

Whether the service host has started or not.