
open class DynamicConfigurationValue<T : Any>(val valueEntries: SortedSet<DynamicConfigurationValue.ValueEntry<T>>)

A representation of a configuration value of type T with update information. It contains a non-empty set of value entries valueEntries, sorted ascending by version.

Each entry represents a default value of type T that shall be applied from the given version with the given update strategy.


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fun <T : Any> DynamicConfigurationValue(valueEntries: SortedSet<DynamicConfigurationValue.ValueEntry<T>>)


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object Companion
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data class ValueEntry<T : Any>(    val fromVersion: Int,     val defaultValue: T,     val updateStrategy: ConfigurationUpdateStrategy) : Comparable<DynamicConfigurationValue.ValueEntry<T>>

Represents the defaultValue of type T that shall be applied from fromVersion with updateStrategy.


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fun entriesInVersionRange(fromVersion: Int, toVersion: Int): SortedSet<DynamicConfigurationValue.ValueEntry<T>>

Value entries from fromVersion to toVersion, inclusive.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String


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