
data class Contact(    val displayName: String,     val initials: String = "",     val givenName: String = "",     val familyName: String = "",     val companyName: String,     val phoneNumbers: List<PhoneNumber>,     val defaultPhoneNumberIndex: Int,     val addresses: List<Address>,     val defaultAddressIndex: Int,     val source: ContactSource? = null,     val favorite: Boolean,     val image: DrawableResolver? = null,     val primarySortKey: String,     val alternativeSortKey: String) : Parcelable

Encapsulates an address book contact.


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fun Contact(    displayName: String,     initials: String = "",     givenName: String = "",     familyName: String = "",     companyName: String,     phoneNumbers: List<PhoneNumber>,     defaultPhoneNumberIndex: Int,     addresses: List<Address>,     defaultAddressIndex: Int,     source: ContactSource? = null,     favorite: Boolean,     image: DrawableResolver? = null,     primarySortKey: String,     alternativeSortKey: String)


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val addresses: List<Address>

List of addresses for the contact.

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val alternativeSortKey: String

The alternative sort key used when a list of contacts is sorted.

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val companyName: String

The name of the company associated with this contact.

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val defaultAddressIndex: Int

The index of the default address. This is an index in the addresses list.

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val defaultPhoneNumberIndex: Int

The index of the default phone number. This is an index of the phoneNumbers list.

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val displayName: String

Name of the contact.

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val familyName: String

Family name of the contact. This is the last name of a contact if the name is in Western style. See also FullNameStyle. This is an empty string if the contact does not have a family name set in the address book.

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val favorite: Boolean

True when the contact is set as a favorite, false otherwise.

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val givenName: String

Given name of the contact. This is typically the contact's first name in Western names. See also FullNameStyle. This is an empty string if the contact does not have a given name set in the address book.

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val image: DrawableResolver? = null

An image associated with this contact, if available, or null if there is no image available.

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val initials: String

Initials of the contact.

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val phoneNumbers: List<PhoneNumber>

List of phone numbers of the contact.

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val primarySortKey: String

The primary sort key used when a list of contacts is sorted.

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val source: ContactSource? = null

The source from which this contact originates, or null if unknown.


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open override fun toString(): String

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)