
data class WebserviceMockConfig : Parcelable

The configuration of a WebserviceMock.


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fun WebserviceMockConfig(    mockName: String,     requestUriPrefix: NonSensitiveUri,     forwardBaseUri: NonSensitiveUri,     sensitiveQueryParameters: List<String>,     requestResponseMode: RequestResponseMode = RequestResponseMode.FORWARD,     failTestOnError: Boolean = true,     enabledTags: ArrayList<String> = ArrayList(),     doNotProlongCaptureYieldOnResponse: Boolean = false,     maxFailedRequestCount: Int = 0)


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val doNotProlongCaptureYieldOnResponse: Boolean = false

Don't prolong a running capture yield when a matching response is captured.

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val enabledTags: ArrayList<String>

Replay responses are by default disabled when they have custom tags. Those responses can be enabled by adding the custom tag to this property.

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val failTestOnError: Boolean = true

When true fail the test on any error. When false, the errors are only logged.

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val forwardBaseUri: ParcelableNonSensitiveUri

Base URI prefix used for forwarding the request to another server.

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val maxFailedRequestCount: Int

Defines how many requests can fail without failing the test.

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val mockName: String

Mock identifier.

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val requestResponseMode: RequestResponseMode

Defines how the webservice mock should handle the requests.

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val requestUriPrefix: ParcelableNonSensitiveUri

Prefix of request URI handled by this mock.

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val sensitiveQueryParameters: List<String>

URI query parameters that are considered sensitive. Their values are replaced by NonSensitiveUri.HIDDEN_VALUE before logging the request or writing the URI to a persistent storage.


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open override fun toString(): String

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)