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fun ModalPanelStackSubContainerManager()

Inherited functions

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abstract fun addSubContainer(    parent: ViewGroup,     lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner,     panelData: ModalPanelStackData? = null,     subContainerState: PanelStackSubContainerState? = null): PanelStackSubContainerHolder

Creates a new PanelSubContainerHolder of type H, inflating or creating views for a sub-container. Views are attached it to parent, using lifecycleOwner for data binding. panelData and subContainerState is optional information.

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abstract fun canBeRemoved(subContainerHolder: PanelStackSubContainerHolder): Boolean

Whether views in subContainerHolder can be removed. It should be checked before calling removeSubContainer.

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abstract fun removeSubContainer(subContainerHolder: PanelStackSubContainerHolder)

Removes subContainerHolder, destroying views for a sub-container.