
abstract class TaskCompactProcessViewModel<P : TaskProcessPanel>(panel: P) : CompactProcessViewModel<P>

A specialization of CompactProcessViewModel for use with TaskProcessPanel.



The type of the panel.


The TaskProcessPanel of type P that hosts this TaskCompactProcessViewModel.


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fun <P : TaskProcessPanel> TaskCompactProcessViewModel(panel: P)

Inherited properties

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val isSafetyLockEnabled: LiveData<Boolean>
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abstract val metadataViewModel: CompactProcessMetadataViewModel

The metadata that describes an ongoing process. This allows the user to recognise what the ongoing process is about.

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val panel: P
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A ViewModel containing a list of buttons to offer in the main process panel or task process panel. The primary buttons commonly impact the ongoing process directly. E.g., skipping a song.

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open val progressBarViewModel: LiveData<CompactProcessViewModel.ProgressViewModel?>

A ViewModel containing information required to display a progress bar.

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A ViewModel containing a list of buttons to offer in the main process panel or task process panel. The secondary buttons commonly do not impact the ongoing process but offer actions related to the ongoing process. E.g., liking a song.

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open val tag: Int?

An ID tag which can be overridden to find a specific main process panel or task process panel during tests by use of the withIdTag() matcher.

Inherited functions

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open fun addCloseable(@NonNull p0: Closeable)
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override fun getLifecycle(): Lifecycle