
data class EmspServiceInfo(    val emspIdentifier: EmspIdentifier,     val serviceName: String,     val icon: ResourceDrawableResolver,     val countriesOfOperation: Set<CountryId>) : Parcelable

Represents an eMSP (e-Mobility Service Provider) service.



Name of the service provider (eMSP). This should be a localized name that can be displayed in the UI.


icon representing the eMSP which can be displayed in the UI to represent its brand.


A set of country codes indicating where this eMSP can be used. This eMSP can only used when the vehicle is in a supported country.


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fun EmspServiceInfo(    emspIdentifier: EmspIdentifier,     serviceName: String,     icon: ResourceDrawableResolver,     countriesOfOperation: Set<CountryId>)


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val countriesOfOperation: Set<CountryId>

A set of country codes indicating where this eMSP can be used. This eMSP can only used when the vehicle is in a supported country. An eMSP plugin should always return a non-empty set of CountryIds.

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val emspIdentifier: EmspIdentifier

Used to uniquely identify this eMSP when accessing EvChargingMediatorService properties and calling EvChargingMediatorService methods. It should not be displayed to end-users as it is not localized.

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val icon: ResourceDrawableResolver

Icon representing the eMSP which can be displayed in the UI to represent its brand.

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val serviceName: String

Name of the service provider (eMSP). This should be a localized name that can be displayed in the UI.

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)