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class DebugTab(val pageTitle: String)

A reference to a tab in TomTom Digital Cockpit's debug panel. It is used by functional tests to identify tabs, for example to "navigate to" by using navigateToDebugTab, openDebugPanelAndNavigateTo or withDebugTab.


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fun IviServiceAwareTestCase.closeDebugPanel()

Closes the debug panel by pressing the backtick/grave (`) key on the keyboard. This may only be called when the debug menu is opened.

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fun IviServiceAwareTestCase.navigateToDebugTab(debugTab: DebugTab)

Navigates to the given debugTab within the opened debug panel.

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fun IviServiceAwareTestCase.openDebugPanel()

Open the debug panel by pressing the backtick/grave (`) key on the keyboard. This may only be called when the debug menu is not already opened.

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fun IviServiceAwareTestCase.openDebugPanelAndNavigateTo(debugTab: DebugTab)

Open the debug panel by pressing the backtick/grave (`) key on the keyboard and navigates to debugTab. This may only be called when the debug menu is not already opened.

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fun IviServiceAwareTestCase.withDebugTab(debugTab: DebugTab, action: () -> Unit)

Opens the debug panel and executes action while the debugTab is selected in the debug panel. Afterwards the debug panel is closed.