Package com.tomtom.ivi.platform.contacts.api.common.util

The com.tomtom.ivi.platform.contacts.api.common.util package contains useful helper classes that can be used to simplify working with features provided by the contacts service. This package can be used for implementing a custom contacts service or in a frontend using the contacts service.

External links

  • Contacts service.


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val Contact.contactGroup: String

Returns the contact group of the given contact. For contacts with western-European names, this is typically the first letter of the primary sort key of the contact. Contacts whose primary sort key does not start with a letter or language character are put into the group MISCELLANEOUS_CONTACT_GROUP. For example, a contact whose primary sort key starts with "5" or ">" or "-" are part of this group.

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Represents the miscellaneous contact group. Contacts whose primary sort key does not start with a human language letter or character are part of this group. See also Contact.contactGroup for more details.


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fun comparePhoneNumbers(phoneNumber1: String, phoneNumber2: String): Boolean

Compare phone numbers phoneNumber1 and phoneNumber2, return true if they're identical enough for caller ID purposes.

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fun contactNameStringResolver(    displayName: String?,     phoneNumber: String?,     @StringRes unknownContact: Int): StringResolver

Returns a StringResolver with the following priority order:

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fun Collection<Contact>.findContactByName(displayName: String): Contact?

Finds a contact with the specified displayName.

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fun Collection<Contact>.findContactByNameAndPhoneNumber(displayName: String, phoneNumber: String): Contact?

Finds a contact with the specified displayName and phoneNumber.

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fun LiveData<IviContactsDataSource>.findContactByPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: LiveData<String?>): LiveData<Contact?>
fun Collection<Contact>.findContactByPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: String): Contact?

Finds a contact with the specified phoneNumber.

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fun LiveData<IviContactsDataSource>.findContactsByDisplayNames(displayNames: Set<String>): LiveData<List<Contact>>

Returns a list of the first matching Contacts with the specified displayNames. An empty list is returned if no contact can be found with a matching display name.

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fun Collection<PhoneNumber>.findPhoneNumber(number: String): PhoneNumber?

Find the first PhoneNumber matching the specified number or return null if it cannot be found in this collection.

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fun AddressType.getLabel(): StringResolver

Retrieves the AddressType as string represented by StringResolver from the resources.

fun PhoneNumberType.getLabel(): StringResolver

Retrieve the PhoneNumberType as a StringResolver. Strings are provided by Android resources except for the PhoneNumberType.Custom type which is provided by PhoneNumberType.customType.

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Launches a query that returns the full list of Contacts ordered by the provided order.

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fun LiveData<IviContactsDataSource>.queryHasContacts(): LiveData<Boolean>

Launches a query that returns the LiveData indicator of whether the source is empty.

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Converts a list of Contacts to a list of ContactItems.